

             The Crash

When at last the mighty fall,

They fall like redwoods,

Leaves and all.


They scrape the sky,

But leave no traces,

Only wide and empty spaces;


They hit the ground

With mighty cracks,

Loud apocalyptic thwacks.


Nature then sees to the rest,

Disappearing them with zest.

That is how the mighty fall,

Angels, men, and redwoods tall.

Moses on Being


                  I AM

Everything that is

IS because of God

Who sustains its being--

From Angels down to sod,

From earth and fire and crisp cool air,

From flying fish to burning sun,

From water up to outer space--

All hold their being from the One. 


A Riddle?


             The Dark Night

I saw myself in Heaven

One dark and starry night;

No one else was there though,

Which gave me a ghastly fright.


"Where are all the people?"

I cried to the star-lit sky?

The answer came down quickly,

"Those who've learned to die

Frolic in the sun-lit meadows

With God's Angels from on High."